Fjord cruises

Immerse yourself in the immensity of the Saguenay Fjord
with the Caps Trinity and Eternity, discover the history of Notre-Dame-du-Saguenay or go out to meet the harbor seals and other birds that nest in the cliffs of more than 400 m. On board our 24- passenger zodiac, our Captain - Interpreter will share with you the secrets of a unique Fjord on this 2 hour cruise.

Dates and departures:

From June 23rd to September 4th: daily, 10 am and 2 pm

Between July 16th and August 22 , a third outing is offered at dusk at 5pm.

Rates (before taxes):

Adult: $ 66

Child: $ 59

Family (2 adults and 2 childrens): $ 213

*Access to the Fjord-du-Saguenay National Park is not included in the rates above.

To book kindly call the National Park at this number ; 1-800-665-6527 or 418-272-1509 ext.3

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